Friday 24 April 2020


this week i enjoy listening to charlie brown and the chocolate factory.. i enjoy seeing my friends from my class everyday during our parents is helping me to do some homework on my chrome book..this week i am having lots of fun playing with my lol toys and my ipad with my brother and sister at home...  i enjoyed doing coloring and making playdoh and lots of baking at home.. i am looking forward to see everyone after the lockdown....i miss my friends and i miss my school.


  1. Hi Rosaline, I saw the movie of Charlie and the Chocolate factory when our children were small, and I took them to see it. They all really liked the movie and wanted to drink from a big tub of melted chocolate after seeing it. Imagine if they could have, it would have given them such a tummy ache!
    I'm happy you are enjoying meeting up with your friends online each day. Do you all share what you have been doing at home?
    Keep on enjoying the activities you are doing each day, and stay safe and well in your bubble. We will see you when we are all back at school again.

  2. Hi Rosaline - we are missing being at school too, but it is fabulous that you are coming to the class meetings each day. That's a really good way of seeing our class, whilst staying safe at home in our bubbles. It sounds like you are doing lots of fun things. Do you have a recipe for making playdough that you could share on your blog, I bet people would like to try making it at home.
    Keep up the awesome learning Rosaline :-)

  3. We miss you too, Rosaline. It's been so long since we have had to stay at home. I'm glad we can meet online regularly though. I'm glad you have enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

  4. Hi Rosaline, I miss you too! I would love to see some of your colouring you have been doing. What have you been baking? Maybe you could share your favourite baking recipe with me as well. I'm pleased your enjoying your class meetings and doing your work from home with Mum and Dad. Take care and hopefully see you soon


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